Association appraisal team applies final scores. The Hoard's Dairyman Farm began in 1899 and Jerseys arrived in the fall of 2009 to join our long-established Guernsey herd. Last week, the Jersey herd was...
Regancrest Farm strives to balance quality genetics and management. In the dairy community, Regancrest is associated with elite Holstein bulls like Regancrest Elton Durham-ET and deep cow families, like...
In the June Guernsey Breeders' Journal, owners and mangers from the nation's top-producing herds shared insight on their feeding programs. Earlier this spring, the Hoard's Dairyman Farm was contacted by...
Despite many promotional efforts, fluid milk consumption has been on the decline since the 1940s. Promotion efforts like the "Got Milk?" campaign and the "Fuel Up to Play 60" program are supported by dairy...
These resources are Dairyman Extras from our July issue on page 470. Milking and mastitis Milking procedures: USDA-APHIS-NAHMS Dairy Milk quality and milking resources: University of Wisconsin Cleaning...
4-H clubs work to educate the public about the dairy industry. Known for its delicious custard, Culver's in Johnson Creek, Wis., celebrated June is Dairy Month with its 1st Annual Culver's and Cows Event...
Yes, California's pricing system is killing its dairies Leading cheese maker believes the reason isn't low prices, but the system itself. By Hoard's Dairyman Staff If the headline of this article looks...
High forage isn't always your best option When inventories are short or forages don't measure up, low-forage diets have merit. When moving to a lower forage diet, you must maintain effective fiber and...
Rather than low prices, a top cheese maker believes the reason is the system itself. by Dennis Halladay, Hoard's Dairyman Western Editor Not since the dairy farmer revolt in the mid-1960s that led to creation...
In the 1916 issues of Hoard's Dairyman, Dr. E.V. McCollum first reported the discovery of vitamins. In present day ration balancing, vitamin requirements have become an integral portion of any software...
Tight window: seasonal calving's lynch pin To take advantage of peak pasture growth, graziers must closely monitor reproductive performance. These same principles can benefit all dairy producers. Compact...
While soft sales late last year do toss up a red flag, demand for dairy products in leading U.S. markets should remain strong throughout 2013. "Predicting U.S. dairy exports is always challenging, but...
For the second straight year, California's cost to produce milk jumped over 10 percent. Nearly all the higher costs were due to higher feed prices. Rising feed costs were the root cause of the higher costs...
Last month brought some fairly significant changes to our genetic evaluation system that will have long-term impacts on genetic selection opportunities for dairy producers. The two largest changes involve...
Generalmente creemos que el ordeño es una operación independiente del resto de la granja porque la rutina de ordeño empieza y termina en la sala, pero en realidad es un esfuerzo en...
Mastitis control during hot summer months is important to the health of mammary glands and milk quality. In northern Europe, "summer mastitis" occurring during July, August and September is associated...
University of Kentucky student to spend three months in Fort Atkinson. While the Hoard's Dairyman editorial internship program is celebrating its 25th year in 2013, there is another internship we offer....
University of Kentucky student to spend three months in Fort Atkinson. While the Hoard's Dairyman editorial internship program is celebrating its 25th year in 2013, there is another internship we offer....
Heat stress during late gestation impacts not only cow health and production but calf performance and immunity, as well. As temperatures rise, so does the need for cow cooling. On some farms, milking...
Cash grain farmers have experienced one of the best financial runs in the history of American dairy farming. How much longer will it last? For those growing corn, soybeans, wheat and other small grains,...